Thought that I would catch up on pictures on more of my work.

This is the crazy quilt that I call "The Sampler" I have been working on this forever now and I do not know when it will be finished. I guess it will tell me when it's done. My daughter Angela and I hand sewed the whole thing (making every mistake there was to make I'm sure). Then I bought a Janome 9700 and did a lot of machine embroidery on it. I also use it to practice my TAST stitches. Some close ups of parts of "The Sampler"......
Done by Machine:

These done by hand:

I will post more of "The Sampler" later.
What I am working on currently:
This is a tote bag I am sewing

And here are some PJ's for my grandson

Because it seems his old PJ's are falling right off !!!!!

More later.........................................